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2021 Session 5 : Geometric graphs and hypergraphs

In combinatorial geometry we study combinatorial questions in usually discrete geometric settings. Particularly important are geometrically defined graphs, e.g. intersection graphs of objects in d-dimensional space, and hypergraphs, e.g. whose vertices are points in the plane and whose hyperedges are those subsets that can be enclosed in a circle (or generally homothet of a fixed shape).

Understanding the structure and combinatorial properties of those graphs and hypergraphs, beyond being purely of mathematical interest, is crucial for applications in numerous fields, like physics and computer science.

There are a variety of questions to be investigated: coloring, covering, decomposing or hitting problems; questions about VC-dimension, epsilon-nets, and realizabilities; as well as structural properties like sparsity, or product structures. Hence we seek to gather experts together with mid-career and younger researchers from generally similar but specifically different backgrounds in combinatorial geometry.

Workshop dates

30 August (Monday) - 3 September (Friday) 2021

Workshop Format

This is an online workshop with a focus on problem solving in groups. The workshop is scheduled for Monday (August 30) till Friday (September 3). We shall have some experts giving a few talks on Monday and Tuesday morning. There will be an open problem session on Monday, too, followed by an informal voting to split us into groups. The group assignment is neither strict nor final, and also the organization of the work within each group is handled loosely and left to the group members themselves. We meet in the afternoons for quick progress reports, and a wrap-up session on Friday. For the workshop to be productive and enjoyable, we suggest that you reserve at least 4 hours per day for the workshop.

We also hope to see you at the socializing events, maybe playing games, chatting or just enjoying ourselves :)


The deadline for registration is August 18. In case that more people are interested to attend than we can handle, we might need to decline some. So we would be grateful for a timely registration, ideally as soon as possible.

Registration details: Please use the form sent in the invitation email.

Registration deadline: Wednesday, August 18

Confirmed participants:

Open problems

For a smooth beginning of the workshop and an interesting set of open problems, we would like to ask all participants to submit any open problem they want to contribute to us beforehand. Please provide a brief description using the following template: _. We will then prepare a small pdf booklet with all open problems and share it with the participants prior to the workshop. Please note that this list of problems is intended for the workshop participants only and problems shall not be distributed further without contacting its respective author(s).

Submission details: Please use the template _

Submission deadline: August 25 (Wednesday before the workshop)

Schedule (tbc)

The workshop will have 3-4 talks about recent breakthroughs in the field (2 talks on Monday, 1 talk on Tuesday and possibly 1 talk on Wednesday) and the rest of the time dedicated to problem solving in groups and socializing.

1. Monday, 30 August
  9h45 - Introduction
2. Tuesday, 31 August
3. Wednesday, 1 September
4. Thursday, 2 September
5. Friday, 3 September

(All the times should be read Central European Summer Time, i.e. UTC+2).

Talks (tbc)

sessions/2021sessions/2021session5.1627395744.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/27 14:22 by lena