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2021 Session 5 : Geometric graphs and hypergraphs

In combinatorial geometry we study combinatorial questions in usually discrete geometric settings. Particularly important are geometrically defined graphs, e.g. intersection graphs of objects in d-dimensional space, and hypergraphs, e.g. whose vertices are points in the plane and whose hyperedges are those subsets that can be enclosed in a circle (or generally homothet of a fixed shape).

Understanding the structure and combinatorial properties of those graphs and hypergraphs, beyond being purely of mathematical interest, is crucial for applications in numerous fields, like physics and computer science.

There are a variety of questions to be investigated: coloring, covering, decomposing or hitting problems; questions about VC-dimension, epsilon-nets, and realizabilities; as well as structural properties like sparsity, or product structures. Hence we seek to gather experts together with mid-career and younger researchers from generally similar but specifically different backgrounds in combinatorial geometry. Examples include people from Berlin, Budapest, Krakow, Ottawa, Paris, Prague, Utrecht, etc.

Workshop dates

30 August-3 September 2021

Confirmed participants

Registration details: tbc

Open problems

Submission details: tbc

Submission deadline: tbc

Schedule (tbc)

The workshop will have 3-4 talks about recent breakthroughs in the field (2 talks on Monday, 1 talk on Tuesday and possibly 1 talk on Wednesday) and the rest of the time dedicated to problem solving in groups and socializing.

1. Monday, 30 August
  9h45 - Introduction
2. Tuesday, 31 August
3. Wednesday, 1 September
4. Thursday, 2 September
5. Friday, 3 September

(All the times should be read Central European Summer Time, i.e. UTC+2).

Talks (tbc)

sessions/2021sessions/2021session5.1626029507.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/11 18:51 by ross.kang