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2022 Café Session 1

An (online) experiment to provoke the type of discussions one might have during in-person workshops at coffee, dinner or on an excursion.


Stijn Cambie, Ross Kang, Jean-Sébastien Sereni, Lena Yuditsky


2nd and 3rd of February 2022


On Wednesday afternoon (14:30-16:30 European time), we planned informal interviews with Reinhard Diestel and Catherine McGeoch. On Thursday afternoon (15:00-), we planned “rapid-fire” talks where (experienced) researchers discuss problems/conjectures/methods/ideas which influenced them or their career the most. Marthe Bonamy, Victor Falgas-Ravry, Ross Kang, Torsten Ueckerdt, and Jan Volec contributed to the rapid-fire session.


Closed 31 January; besides the interviewees and organisers, 34 participants registered, with affiliations from Canada, Czechia, France, Germany, Israel, Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, UK, US.